While the new year is still young, we are happy to continue with our field work. Field days are great for us as we use these physical get-together with our project partners to coach, train and advise along practical examples.
Our January 2021 field visits at CETIC Kakamega, CETIC Narok and Kipkelion Youth (KYC) Council were mainly dedicated to strengthen the marketing skills of our project partner’s management personnel. The 3 organizations share one core principle: They are membership based. Their mandate is to provide service and products to their members which help them to grow and professionalize their businesses. Our project partners generate income from these provisions. Sufficient technical skills to draft and implement promising marketing and sales strategies are therefore essential for our partner’s management team.
During our capacity development sessions in the field, we mostly focus on transferring practical knowledge, such as marketing through social media platforms or doing role plays to prepare our partners for introduction meetings with prospect members. These skill focal points change for each site visit based on the capacity needs of our project partners. For instance, our next site visits planned for April this year will be all about financial management.
Please reach out to us if you would like to get to know more about the way we work at GKCD. For now, we invite you to flip through some photos taken during our January field visits!