GKCD is an NGO which is fully supported by the German Cooperative and Raiffeisen Confederation, the apex and auditing association of the German Cooperative Organizations and BMZ. The NGO’s mandate is to empower the co-operative sector in Narok and Kakamega County through the establishment of Co-operative Education, Training and Information Centers
(CETICs) at County level. Within this approach, the project assists in developing intellectual, conceptual and consulting capacities of the centers in a manner, that they enables them to provide quality education and training products and services to their member.
The CETICs offers education, consultancy and information services to member co-operatives and others as it is their mission to increase compliance and professionalism among the County Co-operative sectors in Kakamega and Narok through providing affordable access to co-operative knowledge and training.
To achieve this, both CETICs recruited skilled professionals to be trained as qualified associated trainers to the CETICs. To prepare the trainers to deliver CETIC courses in Kakamega and Narok , they underwent a 7 days ‘‘Training of Trainers‘‘ on ‘‘Financial Literacy and Entrepreneurship“ and ‘‘Governance and Leadership in Co-operatives/SACCOs“ in October 2019 conducted at Kolping House Kenya, organized by the DGRV project Kenya/ German Kenyan Cooperative Development.
The 2 days ‘‘Financial Literacy and Enterpreneurship“ course was developed to mentor especially young poeple into well prepared business start ups.
The ‘‘Governance and Leadership for Co-operatives/SACCOs“ 2 days training on the other hand, was crafted to further expose staff and management of Co-operatives and SACCOs to professional but basic Co-operative education.
Both courses are now offered by CETIC Kakamega and CETIC Narok in English and Swahili language to their members as well as general public.
Please contact CETIC Kakamega under +254700177424 or kakamegacetic@gmail.com , and CETIC Narok under +254708044921 or narokcetic.nscda@gmail.com , to book your training or require more information!
Your GKCD Team.

Kakamega CETIC Trainers in the photo from left to right: Mr. Silvester Onginjo (Consultants‘ Assistant) , Mr Benard Anangwe (CETIC trainer Kakamega), Mr Jan (Project Intern DGRV), Mr David Chavera (CETIC Training Chair Kakamega), Mr Simon Wangu (Consultant), Mr Migwi Wanjohi (Project Adviser DGRV), Ms Daisy Rotich (Project Assistant DGRV), Ms Madeleine Müller (Head of Project DGRV), Mr Robert Nyamweya (CETIC trainer Kakamega), Mr Andrew Obanda (CETIC trainer Kakamega), Mr Abraham Wakhutu (Consultant) and Mr Bernard Kowido (CETIC trainer Kakamega).

Narok CETIC Trainers in the photo from left to right: Mr Moses Leboi (CETIC trainer Narok), Mr Simon Wangu (Consultant), Mr Jan (Project Intern DGRV), Ms Jackline Nanetia (CETIC trainer Narok), Mr Moses Kishoyian (CETIC Chair Narok), Mr Migwi Wanjohi (Project Adviser DGRV), Ms Daisy Rotich (Project Assistant DGRV), Mr Dennis Kiprotich (CETIC trainer Narok), Ms Madeleine Müller (Head of Project DGRV), Mr Paul Gathinji (CETIC trainer Narok), Mr Abraham Wakhutu (Consultant) and Mr Nelson Sankok (CETIC trainer Narok).

Kakamega CETIC Trainers in the photo from left to right: Mr. Silvester Onginjo (Consultants‘ Assistant) , Mr Benard Anangwe (CETIC trainer Kakamega), Mr Jan (Project Intern DGRV), Mr David Chavera (CETIC Training Chair Kakamega), Mr Simon Wangu (Consultant), Mr Migwi Wanjohi (Project Adviser DGRV), Ms Daisy Rotich (Project Assistant DGRV), Ms Madeleine Müller (Head of Project DGRV), Mr Robert Nyamweya (CETIC trainer Kakamega), Mr Andrew Obanda (CETIC trainer Kakamega), Mr Abraham Wakhutu (Consultant) and Mr Bernard Kowido (CETIC trainer Kakamega).